Hi! The name's PachiiMochii, a guy who runs a small but fun youtube channel, featuring my OCs, Patchblob, Tesseline, Alkahest, Gambit, Utokanie, D.C Mectemecia and Ronin! I love games and anime! Hope you like me :D PFP by eoks_art!

Age 24, ?

Pixel Artist

Your basement

United Kingdom

Joined on 6/2/19

Exp Points:
3,833 / 4,010
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Vote Power:
6.10 votes
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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PachiiMochii's News

Posted by PachiiMochii - November 20th, 2024

It has...god, been a bit, hasnt it? Still, nevertheless, i have a lot to say. Hope everyone's well! Lets get right into it.


In terms of my art, this year has been what I feel to be my most overall successful year. I know it hasnt ended yet, but there's just a lot im doing and have done in which I am pretty happy about. Not only do I do anatomy studies in my spare time, but ive also been developing a lot of the style to my art. Ive been doing this thing in my recent stuff where i generally sketch out pixels and refine shading, create whole layers for filters that meld colours together. It gives this scratchy, but stylised feel to my work and I really like that.

It helps that in due part to commissions, ive advanced my style even more, and I hope I keep getting em! Im genuinely proud of my art and I feel a lot of confidence because of it.

I feel that a lot of what ive made has been all over the place, but in a good way. Since 2021/2022, my life has been kind of a rollercoaster, but, im happy im alive, and living. Still getting over the pandemic. Ill be fine. Im confident with myself <3


So! I have a Ko-Fi now!

Yeah, after so long, in addition to the commissions I do anyway, Ive opened up a Ko-Fi incase anyone wishes to support my work, even if they dont wanna commission me. It will also become a thing I use for my youtube uploads. Here's the link <3 https://ko-fi.com/pachiimochii


So ive started to aim towards turning my channel into something of a massive passion project of mine~ Ive been doing videos for years, but, i want to potentially make this my career someday, as I feel that I can really make people happy through what I make. Here's a video of my videos im proud of as of late ^.^



Overall, this is just a general news post, but, im doing well <3 Im doing okay, im happy, ive got partners I love, and life is going fine, albeit occasionally chaotic. Ive understood my own self-worth more, i know i can be great as an artist, so im going to strive to be the best and reach for the stars <3 Perhaps its misplaced confidence, i dont care, i just wanna do fun things and live~

Im sure people can relate ^.^

  • from pachii.



Posted by PachiiMochii - August 9th, 2021

Hello folks~ been a while, hasnt it?

Pachii here to speak on some stuff, just like the last few times.

So, whats life been like?

Since january, things have been a lot more peaceful than the previous years. During all that time, I got through uni, I kept communication with friends, kept drawing, and I generally also just survived. I got my two vaccinations, and I have thus been increasing my defences. In terms of my personal life, ive had a lot of breakdowns, ive not had it easy, and I recently cut ties with my partner, in which we have broke up (to which i say, if you're reading this, maybe you should have thought about my side of things too instead of being a selfish asshole). That has also sent my mental on an all-time low, but I have been surviving despite that. Going to be starting my second year of university soon too.

I rekindled lost connections, and ive been keeping others close. Overall this year has been mixed - boring, depressing, tiring and taxing, but ive been having some fun and there are a lot of things that make me and have made me happy.

In terms of drawing, I feel quite happy - I still have a long way to go really, I am not at the best my work can be, but I hope to really advance and improve, so I can look back next year, at the fourth year of doing this stuff, and really feel proud. I just hope to get more energy in general for things.

Not much else to say, but to those who follow me and still stick by, i appreciate it. Here's hoping things get easier from here~

till we meet again~




Posted by PachiiMochii - January 7th, 2021

Hello everyone, how have you all been doing?

Pachii here to talk once more, haha. I havent really spoken like this in a post in a good long while, but I thought that I should just update this because why not. Besides, things are somewhat different with my pixelwork nowadays, I thought it would be best to update folks.

So, whats happening with my pixelwork and in my life?

As I have online university classes to replace the usually in-person ones I would have done had it not been for Covid-19, I will have to spend more time on uni than I will drawing. Once I get a particular piece out, I am going to give myself a bit of a break. I have never really rested to be honest and I did not stop drawing, even over the holidays. Drawing is addictive to me but I should take care of my health too. I want to give a bit more love to my other ventures too, like my youtube channel. Speaking of that, I recently made a new video!

Feel free to check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4O3CTaWmNw

I want to create more youtube content and devote a bit more time to it. Will I do sketches? Possibly, but I just want to gain a bit of my passion back for drawing in general. It isnt like ive lost it fully, just that I feel a bit worn down is all. Constanly drawing, even if it is addicting, can be harmful to your health and I feel like ive overworked myself to be honest. Still, I enjoy what I make. So yeah, once this next piece for a friend comes out, im sitting down and placing my priorities elsewhere for a bit, letting my passion recouperate. Im not done with art, far from it, I just need a bit of time is all, to rest.

As for my life, 2020 sucked dick lol. It honestly did. I cut off many people who were toxic, many people that betrayed me, and many that were using me. Misery after misery it was and I still feel a bit haunted by it all. But im moving onward and while 2021 seems to have started in chaos, im happy to say that I am feeling optimistic about this year, and that I have hopes. I feel sad due to the pandemic and how it is not over yet, but....these things take time. Rome wasnt built in a day, and neither was this vaccine, or vaccines. I just want my life to return to normal, back when I did not feel like going out and about was a deathwish or some sort of hazard. Feeling so restricted did a number on my health and it hurts.

But things will get better from here, I am sure of it.

Well, thats about it really - gonna be busy with uni, life, my other ventures. Art will be on a short break of a month or two once i complete this next piece, but im looking forward to seeing how everything goes from here.

Thanks for hearing my silly british butt out folks, means a lot to me ^_^

Till we meet again,




Posted by PachiiMochii - September 13th, 2020

Hello folks, PachiiMochii here~

I wanted to provide an update concerning my pixel art. Now, its nothing super serious, dont worry haha, its just an update to things because to be frank, my following deserves that and I do not like being dishonest haha.

Starting from the end of this month, there will be a little less Pixel-Art coming from me. This is due to starting University soon and my attention will have to be divided on my coursework, plus virtual classes due to Covid-19. Im not stopping pixelart entirely, do not worry, im just gonna be producing less. Still producing, just lesser.

My work will benefit from this change because it will reinvigorate my being, and it will also help with getting me to be even more passionate about Pixel-Art, since i will truly and fully appreciate it as a bit of my passion being outletted in the hecticness of life with courses.

I just thought i would update you all~

Hope to produce some great stuff soon! Hope you guys understand~

From PachiiMochii



Posted by PachiiMochii - July 10th, 2020

Hello everyone! How are you all doing? Well, been a while since I have made one of these but I hope all of you are doing well!

As for me, ive been...eh. Ive been doing okay, although the pandemic has hurt my motivation quite a bit. However, no matter the circumstances, I have been working on things and I hope to keep making great stuff! My commissions are open, to which you can check out here for more details: https://twitter.com/Mochii_Nostra/status/1265032062404308995

So, what about the art?

Im planning to get my commissions done while also beginning to focus on far larger pieces, stuff that is far more elaborate and interesting - I might take time with them though, so.....dont expect pieces every 3 days or something.

with that being said, I look forward to the future! I hope you like what I make when its made :D

From PachiiMochii, the silly british pixelartist ^ w^



Posted by PachiiMochii - March 5th, 2020

Hey all, PachiiMochii here~

Just thought I would up a notice to let people know that Im back to pixel art fully! My commissions are open, so if you are interested in commissioning me, hit me up here: https://twitter.com/Mochii_Nostra/status/1221539915516776450

Glad to be back :D


Posted by PachiiMochii - December 22nd, 2019

Hello all, PachiiMochii here!

With all my commissions done and with the big day of Christmas coming around, I am going to be resting. From here on out until mid-january perhaps, ill be on a break. Expect no pixel art in the meantime. My commissions are closed as well.

Thought id let you all know!

Have a fantastic holiday season and an awesome new year!

From PachiiMochii! :D


Posted by PachiiMochii - October 18th, 2019

Hello everyone! Commissions are now officially open!

  • £5 for a profile picture/face only!
  • £10 for half-body/bust!
  • £15 for full-body!

Wont draw Mecha or NSFW, DM me or message via email for further info (Email: nostraklonoayt2000@gmail.com)

Examples of my work can be seen below! Hit me up if you are interested :D




Posted by PachiiMochii - October 13th, 2019

Morning/Evening folks! How are we?

This is just an update to how the art is going. All is good on my end! Atm, I have one commission to upload to here and my other places and then I will be taking a break! I will close commissions a few hours after I upload the last piece and I will take a break for a few days, maximum a week.

.....after that break, I will be reopening commissions! And ill be opening them HERE too!

If people are interested in commissioning me, stay tuned for these upcoming developments! Hope all of you are doing well, looking forward to uploading soon. Stay well folks! ^_^



Posted by PachiiMochii - September 4th, 2019

Hey all! This is just an update for the people viewing my page, but allow me to also give a bit of insight....

Im back to drawing full time now - by full time, I mean pixel art every now and then. My stuff has been getting better as of late in terms of its quality, so I will hopefully put a commissions post up sometime. Want to own a piece you have requested from me and pay for it? Commissioning is the way to go, although ill have a more dedicated post up for that sometime soon. Idk when, but soon at least lol.

Thank you for supporting my art, as always - its nice to please and make people happy. See you on the flipside!
